Keepin' you guys smart with things most people don't know.
Friday, October 8, 2010
This is soooo good.
1. Boil Ramon
2. Drain
3.Mix three eggs and flavour packet, also add other flavorings E.G. milk, cheese, butter.
4. Preheat pan with some oil.
5. Add cooked noodles and egg mix
6. Let cook.
7. EAT!
Better yet, 3 eggs, 1 stick of butter, 1/2 lb bacon and bacon grease, a little lard (to taste), 1/2 Hershey bar, a handful of raisins, some peanut butter, a little pickle juice, and some cabbage. OMG! It's the best!
i have done this before and love it
i live on ramen!
Hahaha, ramen is the best!
hhaah I've totally already done this! So good when I don't feel like cooking.
awesome! ill try it sometimes, gracias! :)
looks nommable!
Sounds deliciously unhealthy haha
delish! I've got a couple good ramen recipes myself
So bad yet so good.
Better try this
delicious and cheap!
lol will try later today
thanks, now i'm hungry! :F
I've seen this before but have never tried it.
looks soo good
Better yet, 3 eggs, 1 stick of butter, 1/2 lb bacon and bacon grease, a little lard (to taste), 1/2 Hershey bar, a handful of raisins, some peanut butter, a little pickle juice, and some cabbage. OMG! It's the best!
wow awesome info
legit! Keep them coming.
This stuff will kill you with sodium no matter which way you eat it. May as well, I guess.
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